Tag: Pearl
New Album, Video Series, and Then Some
Sarah Gromko’s IndieGogo Campaign has lots of stuff to buy to fund a new album (including presales of the actual album). Album Campaign VideoI will finally record this long-awaited sequel only if this campaign reaches its goal in May 2015. So check it out, and tell your generous friends ASAP!
2014 (P)recap
Sarah Gromko’s December 2014 performances includes sacred concerts with NOVA Chorale and New Orleans’s Jesuit Church, a Christmas composition featured at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church’s Midnight Mass, and the Sarah Gromko Trio every Friday at Pearl Wine Co.
How to Pace (and Cool) Yourself During Fest
Festival season is upon New Orleans. It gets hot, and it’s hard to find a place get off your feet and listen to music in a comfortable atmosphere. I aim to fix that for you.
Fridays and Video
This year is off to a nice bang! I’m now officially at Pearl Wine Co. every Friday, where I’ll continue feature the talents of a nice array musicians. In the meantime, check out the video of one of the songs I performed at Music at the Mint on February 7th.
Composing and Local Love
Well, this has been a lovely month! With a commission, trio gigs, new music, and still working with other musicians on getting their due, I’m keeping busy.